Vol. | Year | Title | Auther |
01 | 1975 | Literary Convention of the Primaeval History | KIKAWADA, Isaac M. |
01 | 1975 | ”The People of the Land” and the Political Crises in Judah | ISHIDA, Tomoo |
01 | 1975 | Literatursoziologische Beobachtungen zu den Elisaerzaehlungen | SEKINE, Masao |
01 | 1975 | The Nun Energicum and the Prefix Conjugation in Biblical Hebrew | MURAOKA, Takamitsu |
01 | 1975 | The History and the Fiction in the Birth Stories of Jesus - An Observation on the Thought of Luke the Evangelist | TSUCHIYA, Hiroshi |
01 | 1975 | The Composition of the Nicodemus-Episode, John II 23-III 21 | TSUCHIDO, Kiyoshi |
01 | 1975 | Sieg Christi - Heil der Christen: Eine Betrachtung von Apc XII | SATAKE, Akira |
01 | 1975 | Non-docetic Character of Evangelium Veritatis | SHIBATA, Yoshiie |
02 | 1976 | Entstehung und Entwicklung der Erzaehlung von der Gefaehrdung der Ahnfrau | NOMOTO, Shinya |
02 | 1976 | Reconsideration of the Twelve-Tribe System of Israel | NAMIKI, Koichi |
02 | 1976 | On the Battle of Gilboa | KOIZUMI, Tatsuhito |
02 | 1976 | The Structure of Mental Activities in Biblical Hebrew | MATSUDA, Isaku |
02 | 1976 | A New Proposal for the Emendation of the Text Isaiah 53:11 | NAKAZAWA, Koki |
02 | 1976 | Das Gleichnis vom verloren Schaf - Eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung | ARAI, Sasagu |
02 | 1976 | The Galileans in the Fourth Gospel | MATSUNAGA, Kikuo |
02 | 1976 | Weder persoenlich noch generell - zum neutestamentlichen Denken anhand Roem vii | YAGI, Seiichi |
02 | 1976 | Some Remarks on the Anthropology of Valentinians (Iren., adv. Haer., I 1,1-8,4) | KOBAYASHI, Monoru J. |
03 | 1977 | Die priesterschriftliche Ueberlieferungsgeschichte von Numeri XX 1-13 | KOHATA, Fujiko |
03 | 1977 | ngyd: A Term for the Legitimization of the Kingship | ISHIDA, Tomoo |
03 | 1977 | Elias Verzweiflung ? Erwaegungen zu 1.Koe XIX | SEKINE, Masao |
03 | 1977 | The Dates of the First and Second Books of Maccabees | TOKI, Kenji |
03 | 1977 | Le Probleme de l'Actualisation chez Matthieu | OGAWA, Akira |
03 | 1977 | Lobhymnus und Fleischwerdung - Studie ueber den johanneischen Prolog | IBUKI, Yu |
03 | 1977 | Die johanneischen Abschiedsreden und die synoptische Tradition - eine traditionskiritische und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung | ONUKI, Takashi |
04 | 1978 | The Book of Ruth - Its Literary Structure and Theme | SACON, Kiyoshi K. |
04 | 1978 | The Vetitive Particle ya and the Poetic Structure of Proverb 31:4 | TSUMURA, David Toshio |
04 | 1978 | Hermon, Sirion and Senir | IKEDA, Yutaka |
04 | 1978 | Zwei Typen von Menschenbildern in den Gleichnissen Jesu | SATAKE, Akira |
04 | 1978 | Jesu Darstellung oder Reinigung im Tempel unter Beruecksichtigung von ”Nunc Dimittis” Lk II 22-38 | MIYOSHI, Michi |
05 | 1979 | ”Der Mensch ist geworden wie unsereiner” - Untersuchungen zum zeitgeschichtlichen Hintergrund von Gen. 3, 22-24 und 6, 1-4 | TSUKIMOTO, Akio |
05 | 1979 | Second Isaiah and the Suffering Servant - A New Proposal for a Solution | KIDA, Kenichi |
05 | 1979 | Quelques reflexions semiologiques a propos de 'la crainte de dieu' de quohelet | NISHIMURA, Toshiaki |
05 | 1979 | Hebrew Philological Note | MURAOKA, Takamitsu |
05 | 1979 | Offene Fragen zur Aufnahme des Logoshymnus in das vierte Evangelium | IBUKI, Yu |
05 | 1979 | Das Ich bei Paulus und Jesu - zum neutestamentlichen Denken - | YAGI, Seiichi |
05 | 1979 | The Christological Credal Formula in I Peter 3,18-22 - Reconsidered | SHIMADA, Kazuhito |
06 | 1980 | Hochwertung der Namenserkenntnis und Gottverbundenheit in der Hoehenlinie der priesterlichen Geschichtserzaehlung | WALKENHORST, Karl-Heinz |
06 | 1980 | The Literary Structure of Psalm 46,2-8 | TSUMURA, David Toshio |
06 | 1980 | Tradition and Redaction in John 8,12-30 | TSUCHIDO, Kiyoshi |
06 | 1980 | Inklusio als ein beliebtes Ausdrucksmittel in der Johannesapokalypse | SATAKE, Akira |
07 | 1981 | Genesis on Three Levels | KIKAWADA, Isaac M. |
07 | 1981 | The Deutronomistic Theology of the Temple - as cryatallized in 2Sam 7, 1Kgs 8 - | KUMAKI, F. Kenro |
07 | 1981 | Der literalische Charakter des Bell.Jud. II 151b-153 | TOKI, Kenji |
07 | 1981 | Das juedische Gebet Sema` und die Abfolge der Traditionsstueck in Lk 10-13 | MIYOSHI, Michi |
07 | 1981 | The ”Theos” Christology as the Ultimate Confession of the Fourth Gospel | MATSUNAGA, Kikuo |
07 | 1981 | A Critical Note on I Peter 1,12 | SHIMADA, Kazuhito |
08 | 1982 | A Hebrew Ostracon from Masad Hashavyahu - A Form-critical Reinvestigation | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
08 | 1982 | Die Theodizee des Leidens im Deuterojesajanischen Buch - unter redaktionsgeschichtlichem Gesichtspunkt | SEKINE, Seizo |
08 | 1982 | A New Look at Jer 4,19-22 and 10,19-21 | KUMAKI, F. Kenro |
08 | 1982 | Das Zeugnis Jesu im Johannesevangelium | IBUKI, Yu |
08 | 1982 | Zur literatursoziologischen Analyse des Johannesevangeliums - auf dem Wege zur Methodenintegration | ONUKI, Takashi |
09 | 1983 | Le conflit de 2 motifs dans le livre de Jonas: la limite de la prophetie et le defi de la sagesse | NISHIMURA, Toshiaki |
09 | 1983 | Hosea IV in the Septuagint Version | MURAOKA, Takamitsu |
09 | 1983 | Deut 6:4-5. Perspectives as a Sttement of Nationalism and of Identity of Confession | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
09 | 1983 | Individual- und Gemeindeethik bei Lukas | ARAI, Sasagu |
09 | 1983 | Viele glaubten an ihn - Auseinandersetzung mit dem Glauben im Johannesevangelium - | IBUKI, Yu |
09 | 1983 | A Neglected Literary Feature of the Christ-Hymn in Phil 2:6-11 | NAGATA, Takeshi |
09 | 1983 | Neue Vorschlaege zur Lesung und Uebersetzung Thomasevangelium Log 21, 103 und 68b | TOYOSHIMA, Katsumi |
10 | 1984 | Jonah and Genesis 11-1 | HESSE, Eric W. & KIKAWADA, Isaac M. |
10 | 1984 | Can the Roots of the Broom be eaten? - A Proposal for the Interpretation of Job 30:2-8 - | YAMAGA, Tetsuo |
10 | 1984 | Zur Entstehung des Glaubens an die jungfraeuliche Geburt Jesu in Mt 1 und Luke 1 | MIYOSHI, Michi |
10 | 1984 | Kreuz und Auferstehung bei Paulus - Ein Plaedoyer fuer die Theologie K. Takizawas und S. Yagis - | AONO, Tashio |
10 | 1984 | adunaton in Heb 6,4 | KAWAMURA, Akinori |
10 | 1984 | BOOK REVIEW: Ben Zion Wacholder, The Dawn of Qumran, 1983 | KIDA, Kenichi |
11 | 1985 | Der ”Bruch” in der althebraeischen Poesie | SEKINE, Masao |
11 | 1985 | ”And His Soul Clave Unto Dinah” (Gen. 34) - The Story of the Rape of Dinah, the Narrator and the Reader | CASPI, Mishael Maswari |
11 | 1985 | Paulus' Besuch der Gemeinde in Jerusalem am Ende seiner zweiten Missionsreise | SATAKE, Akira |
11 | 1985 | Is I Peter a Composite Writing? - A Stylistic Approach to the Two-Document Hypotheses - | SHIMADA, Kazuhito |
11 | 1985 | BOOK REVIEW: Fabrizio Foresti, The Rejection of Saul in the Perspective of the Deuteronomistic School. A Study of I Sm 15 and Related Texts (Studia Theologica Teresianum 5), 1984 | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
12 | 1986 | Verzicht auf die Quellenschriften im Pentateuch? - Konsequenzen aus Textbeobachtungen in Exodus 3-14 | KOHATA, Fujiko |
12 | 1986 | Toward the Establishment of a Scientific History of Israel - From the Nomadic Period to the Organization of the Four Leading Tribes | KOIZUMI, Tatsuhito |
12 | 1986 | ”Ein Eselskopf und 1/4 Kab Taubenmist” (II Koen 6,25b) | TSUKIMOTO, Akio |
12 | 1986 | Die Christenpolitik des Juengeren Plinius | HOSAKA, Takaya |
12 | 1986 | BOOK REVIEW: A Huch, Synopse der drei ersten Evangelien mit Beigabe der johanneischen Parallelstellen, 13. Auflage, voellig neu bearbeitet von H. Greeven, Tuebingen (j. C. B. Mohr) 1981 | SATO, Migaku |
13 | 1987 | Zur Funktion von hinneh und wehinneh in der biblischen Erzaehlung | KATSUMURA, Hiroya |
13 | 1987 | Deuteronomic Reformation in View of the Centralization of the Administration of Justice | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
13 | 1987 | Mondum enim ascendi (Joh 20, 17) - crux interpretum - | IBUKI, Yu |
13 | 1987 | Wiederkehr des weiblichen Erloesers Barbelo-Pronoia - Zur Verhaeltnisbestimung der Kurz- und Langversionen des Apokryphon des Johannes | ONUKI, Takashi |
14 | 1988 | Wort, Name und Geist im Alten Testament - in bezug auf die Fruehzeit Israels dargestellt | SEKINE, Masao |
14 | 1988 | Die Endredaktion (RP) der Meerwundererzaehlung | KOHATA, Fujiko |
14 | 1988 | Die Doxa des Gesandten - Studie zur johanneischen Christologie - | IBUKI, Yu |
14 | 1988 | Lukas und das Imperium Romanum. Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der literarischen Funktion des Furchtmotives | HOSAKA, Takaya |
15 | 1989 | Emar and the Old Testament - Preliminary Remarks - | TSUKIMOTO, Akio |
15 | 1989 | In Defence of the Unity of the Septuagint Minor Prophets | MURAOKA, Takamitsu |
15 | 1989 | Die Theologie der Spaltung und Einigung Israels in der Geburts-und-Leidensgeschichte nach Matthaeus | MIYOSHI, Michi |
15 | 1989 | STEPHANUSREDE - gelesen vom Standpunkt ihrer Leser - | ARAI, Sasagu |
16 | 1990 | The Prophet, the Servant and Cyrus in the Prophecies of Second Isaiah | KIDA, Kenichi |
16 | 1990 | The Chronicler's Techniques in Quoting Samuel-Kings | SUGIMOTO, Tomotoshi |
16 | 1990 | Die Gleichniserzaehlung vom verloren Sohn (Lk 15,11-32), Eine form- und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der Gleichniserzaehlung Jesu im lukanischen Sondergut | HIROISHI, Nozomu |
16 | 1990 | 1Kr 15,3 und das Verhalten von Paulus den Jerusalemern gegenueber | SATAKE, Akira |
17 | 1991 | Qohelet als Nihilist | SEKINE, Seizo |
17 | 1991 | Wozu wurde der Jakobusbrief geschrieben? - eine mutmassliche Rekonstruktion - | SATO, Migaku |
17 | 1991 | Is I Peter dependent on Ephesians? - a critique of C. L. Mitton - | SHIMADA, Kazuhito |
17 | 1991 | Die dreifache Pronoia - Zur Beziehung zwischen Gnosis, Stoa und Mittelplatonismus - Herrn Professor Dr. Sasagu Arai zum 60. Geburtstag | ONUKI, Takashi |
18 | 1992 | Brandmal fuer Brandmal. Eine Erwaegung zum Talionsgesetz im Rahmen der Sklavenschutzbestimmungen | OSUMI, Yuichi |
18 | 1992 | A New Aspect on Occupation Policy by King Josiah - Assimilation and Codification in view of Yahwism - | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
18 | 1992 | Zu ”drei Worte” Jesu im Logion 13 des EvTh | ARAI, Sasagu |
18 | 1992 | Das Evangelium Marcions - Ein neuer Versuch der Textrekonstruktion | TSUTSUI, Kenji |
19 | 1993 | The Elders of Israel in Exodus 24:9-11 | NAGANO, Shigehiro |
19 | 1993 | The Background of Qoh 11:1-6 and Qohelet's Agnosticism | TSUKIMOTO, Akio |
19 | 1993 | Action-Motivating Faith ? The Understanding of 'Faith' in the Gospel of Matthew | OGAWA, Akira |
19 | 1993 | Is I Peter Dependent on Romans? | SHIMADA, Kazuhito |
20 | 1994 | heqim berit - dans le cas de Noe (P), compare a heqim dabar - | HIRAGI, Akeo |
20 | 1994 | A Comparison of the Cosmic Concept of the Earth in Sumero-Akkadian Literature and in the Old Testament | KUWABARA, Toshikazu |
20 | 1994 | PISTOS O THEOS / PISTIS TOU THEOU in Paul | HARAGUCHI, Takaaki |
20 | 1994 | Le caractere lucanien de l'image de la Communaute Primitive de Jerusalem en Ac 4,32-35 | KATO, Takashi |
21 | 1995 | A New Aspect of H.RM in Deuteronomy in View of an Assimilation Policy of King Josiah | SUZUKI, Yoshihide |
21 | 1995 | Identity and Authorship in the Fourth Song of the Servant: A Redactional Attempt at the Second Isaianic Theology of Redemption, Part 1 | SEKINE, Seizo |
21 | 1995 | Is There Anti-Semitism in the Fourth Gospel? - An Exegetical Study of John 11:45-54 - | TSUCHIDO, Kiyoshi |
21 | 1995 | The New Testament View of ”People” and ”Race” As Presented in the Letters of Paul and the Gospel of Mark | TAKAHASHI, Yoshimoto |
22 | 1996 | Identity and Authorship in the Fourth Song of the Servant: A Redactional Attempt at the Second Isaianic Theology of Redemption, Part 2 | SEKINE, Seizo |
22 | 1996 | The Minjung Theology of Mark - A Dialogue with Ahn Byung Mu - | ONUKI, Takashi |
22 | 1996 | Believers Who Belonged to the Sect of the Pharisees (Acts 15:5) - Towards an Understanding of Luke's Picture of the Pharisees - | KAYAMA, Hisao |
23 | 1997 | Gottes- und Menschenverstaendnis nach J und nach P - anhand der Herausfuehrungsgeschichte - | KOHATA, Fujiko |
23 | 1997 | The Meaning and Function of An Aramaic Composite Expression kol qobel di | MORIYA, Akio |
23 | 1997 | Die Beruchung des Paulus zur Voelkermission - im Hinblick auf die Tempelvision von Jerusalem in Apg. 22,17-21 | PARK, Heon-Wook |
23 | 1997 | Absolute Use of PISTIS and PISTIS CRISTOU in Paul | OTA, Shuji |
24 | 1998 | Numbers 12: Of Priests, Prophets, or ”None of the Above” | HYMES, David C. |
24 | 1998 | Ethnizitaet und Heil - Exegese von Mt 21,43 - | SUDO, Ichiro |
24 | 1998 | The Minor Characters in Mark's Gospel: Their Roles and Functions | SUGAWARA, Yuji |
24 | 1998 | Epistolary Theoretical and Rhetorical Analyses of 2 Cor. 1-9 | YAMADA, Kota |
25-26 | 1999-2000 | Family, Law, and Ethos in Leviticus 18: Lessons from and for Asia/Korea | WANG, Tai-il |
25-26 | 1999-2000 | Luke's Understanding of Israel: A Sequential Reading of Luke-Acts | KAYAMA, Hisao |
25-26 | 1999-2000 | Macrospeech Act for John 9 | ITO, Hisayasu |
25-26 | 1999-2000 | Zwischen Gleichnishomiletik und Gleichnishermeneutik. Bemerkungen zur homiletischen Gleichnisauslegung Martin Dutzmanns unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von japanischen Gleichnispredigten | HIROISHI, Nozomu |
25-26 | 1999-2000 | The Biblical Tradition of Resurrection in Early Christianity: Pauline Influence on Origen's Theology of Resurrection | DEMURA, Miyako |
27 | 2001 | Redonner sens au precepte de ”amour du prochain” (Lev 19,18aβ) | TAKEUCHI, Yu |
27 | 2001 | Isaiah 6:9-10: A Hardening Prophecy? | UEMURA, Shizuka |
27 | 2001 | Koenig Yoschafat und seine Aussenpolitik in den Chronikbuechern | YAMAGA, Tetsuo |
27 | 2001 | Ist Matthaeus wirklich Judenchrist? | SATO, Migaku |
28 | 2002 | The Origin of the 'Son of Man' as a Messianic Title: A Philological and Tradition-Historical Study | UEMURA, Shizuka |
28 | 2002 | ”Bashology” 1 in the New Testament and Implication Analysis | YAGI, Seiichi |
28 | 2002 | Research Note: Proverbs as a Catalogue of Virtues: A Comparison with Nicomachean Ethics | SEKINE, Seizo |
28 | 2002 | On: Reinhard Neudecker's The Voice of God on Mount Sinai: Rabbinic Commentaries on Exodus 20:1 in the Light of Sufi and Zen-Buddhist Test (subsidia biblica-23): Roma: Editrice Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 2002. | TESHIMA, Isaiah |
29 | 2003 | The ”Lame” in Lev 21,17-23 and 2 Sam 5,6-8 | HENTRICH, Thomas |
29 | 2003 | The Biblical Hebrew Suffix Conjugation in the Light of Canaano-Akkadian | IKEDA, Jun |
29 | 2003 | Bashology in the New Testament - revised and developed | YAGI, Seiichi |
29 | 2003 | ”Draw near me, you unlearned” (Sirach 51,23) Concepts of Wisdom in Biblical Times | GEMUENDEN, Petra von |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | The Purity Laws as a Source for Conflict in the Old Testament | HENTRICH, Thomas |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | Peace in the Book of Hosea - Hos 2:20a in the Biblical Context | TSUKIMOTO, Akio |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | The So-Called Syro-Ephraimite War in the Books of Kings and in the Books of Chronicles | YAMAGA, Tetsuo |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | Female Figurines with a Disk from Palestine: An Analysis of their Distribution Patterns | SUGIMOTO, David Tomotoshi |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | The Construction of the Figure of Moses According to Biblical and Extrabiblical Sources | ROEMER, Thomas C. |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | Christian Belief and Violent Conflict | AONO, Tashio |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | Zur Forschung ueber die Passionsgeschichte des Markusevangeliums | DOI, Yumi |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | A Tragic Farewell Discourse? - In Search of a New Understanding of Paul's Miletus Speech (Acts 20:18-35) | HARAGUCHI, Takaaki |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | Conflict and Peace in Paul's Letter to the Galatians | LATKE, Michael |
30-31 | 2004-2005 | ”Israel and the Nations in Pauline Theology” - A paper prepared for the IAHR being held in Tokyo, March 28, 2005 | PARK, Heon-Wook |
32 | 2006 | Historical Reality vs. Theological Message: Deuteronomist's Insertions in 2Kgs 9: 27-28 | HASEGAWA, Shuichi |
32 | 2006 | Der Aleppo Kodex und die Textueberlieferung im Osten und im Westen: Historische Ueberlegungen zu den Masoretischen Textueberlieferung in Bezug auf die Ben Ascher-Handschriften | HOMMA, Toshio |
32 | 2006 | Ist Q noch ”eine Art von Prophetenbuch”?: Zum Thema ”Q an der Kreuzung von Prophetie und Weisheit” | SATO, Migaku |
32 | 2006 | The Climate of First-Century Palestine | UEMURA, Shizuka |
32 | 2006 | Anger and aggression as dealt with in classical antiquity and in the Sermon on the Mount | GEMUENDEN, Petra von |
33 | 2007 | Reading Maruchiru-no-Michi with Ignatius Polycarp | ASANO, Atsuhiro |
33 | 2007 | JONAH'S ARK AND NOAH'S FISH: Reading the Book of Jonah after the Flood | GREENFIELD, Noah |
33 | 2007 | The Agape Meal: A Sacramental Model for Ministry drawn from Romans 13:8 | JEWETT, Robert |
33 | 2007 | Relations between Amos 6:13-14 and 2 Kgs 14:25-28 | HASEGAWA, Shuichi |
34-36 | 2008-2010 | Jesus's Miracle of Healing: Forgiveness of Sin? | HONDA, Mineko |
34-36 | 2008-2010 | Old Testament Religion: Conflict and Peace 1 | LEVIN, Christoph |
34-36 | 2008-2010 | Jesus hat doch gelebt! Argumente fuer die Geschichtlichkeit Jesu | THEISSEN, Gerd |
34-36 | 2008-2010 | Am ha-Aretz. The Development of Its Concept in Literature and History | UEMURA, Shizuka |
34-36 | 2008-2010 | Erschaffung von Lebensraum. Der Ort der Angeredeten in den Gleichnissen Jesu | WEDER, Hans |
37 | 2011 | The Historiographical Background for Jehu's Claim as the Murderer of Joram and Ahaziah | HASEGAWA, Shuichi |
37 | 2011 | The Temple Motifs in the Fourth Gospel: Intertextuality and Intratextuality of the Temple Motifs | MIURA, Nozomi, rscj |
37 | 2011 | Die Tempelweissagung Jesu und die Entstehung einer neuen Religion | THEISSEN, Gerd |
37 | 2011 | Idumean Ostraca in Japan | TSUKIMOTO, Akio & YAMAYOSHI, Tomohisa |
38 | 2012 | Warum wird Ahas nicht persoenlich gestraft in der Chronik?-Ein Beitrag zum Verstaendnis der Vergeltungstheologie des Chronisten | YAMAGA, Tetsuo |
38 | 2012 | ”Raunen des Verbrechens zum Frevler inmitten meines Herzens”: Versuch einer biblisch-theologischen Auslegung von Ps 36,2 | YAMAYOSHI, Tomohisa |
38 | 2012 | Die Frage nach dem Juengerkreis Johannes des Taeufers | YOSHIDA, Shin |
39 | 2013 | Reconsidering Mez.ad H.ashavyahu | TAKAHASHI, Yuko |
39 | 2013 | ”My Father's House” (Familia Dei): A Network of ”Family” Metaphors in the Fourth Gospel | MIURA, Nozomi, rscj |
39 | 2013 | II Timothy 1:6: Laying on of Hands by Paul for Ordination? | TSUJI, Manabu |
39 | 2013 | The Incomprehension of the Disciples in Mark 4:1-8:30 | YANO, Mutsumi |
40 | 2014 | Eine "kanonische" Erwaegung zu Ps 36 im Kontext der Teilkomposition Ps 35-41 | YAMAYOSHI, Tomohisa |
40 | 2014 | Wer waren die sogenannten "Hellenisten" (Apg 6)?: Historische Traegerschaft und geographische Verbreitung | TACHIBANA, Kota |
40 | 2014 | Replacement or Supplement? On the Purpose of II Thessalonians | TSUJI, Manabu |
40 | 2014 | Rhetorical Analysis of the Mission Speech in Q | YAMADA, Kota |
41 | 2015 | Rethinking the Bavli's "A Convert is Like A Newborn Child": Rabbinic Conversion as Redefinition of Fictive Kinship | SAKURAI, Joe |
41 | 2015 | "Jeder tat das Rechte in seinen Augen" (Ri 17,6; 21,25): Zum "Kehrvers" des Richterbuches | YAMAYOSHI, Tomohisa |
41 | 2015 | Conceptual Change of Martyrdom in the Johannine Tradition | OHTANI, Satoshi |
41 | 2015 | The Gentiles in Matthew | SAWAMURA, Masashi |
42-43 |
2016- 2017 |
Images of Prophets and Prophecy in the Rabbinic Age and the Wissenschaft des Judentums | KATSUMATA, Etsuko |
42-43 |
2016- 2017 |
Überregionale Netzwerke der frühen Christen im Mittelmeerraum | LAMPE, Peter |
42-43 |
2016- 2017 |
The Legion in Gerasa and Jesus’ Overwhelming Power: Socio-political Context and Theological Strategy of Mark 5:1-20 | OKAWA, Daichi |
44-45 |
2018- 2019 |
The Expression of שׁחת in the Elihu Speeches: A Comparison of Instances in Texts from Qumran | FUJIKATA, Rei |
44-45 |
2018- 2019 |
A Strategy for Overcoming Divine Silence in Psalm 77 and Habakkuk | VANDERHOOFT, David S. |
46 | 2021 | Dying for God and the Ancestral Laws: Jewish Identity Formulation through the Martyrdom Episodes in the Second Maccabees | MIURA, Nozomi Sophia |
46 | 2021 | From the Baptism of John to the Baptism into the Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 18:24-19:7): Unification of Baptism in Earliest Christianity | TSUJI, Manabu |
46 | 2021 | Mapping the Scholarship on 1 John: A History of Scholarship and Variations in Methodology | MIURA, Nozomi Sophia |
47 | 2022 | Jesus as the Messiah in the Dialogue with John (Q 7:18-23): An Aspect of Q's Christology in Light of the Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521) | CHIGASAKI, Shohei |
47 | 2022 | Die Originalsprache des Muratorischen Fragments | OKAWA, Daichi |
47 | 2022 | Rethinking Eschatologies with Postcolonial and Queer Perspectives: A Provisionary Study toward Multiple Eschatalogies | YASUDA, Mayuko |
48 | 2023 | The Political Theology of Pg and Its Relation to the Contemporary Pro-Babylonian Golah Redaction in the Book of Ezekiel | HIDAKA, Kishiya |
48 | 2023 | Mary, the New Ark of the Covenant: Mary's Houses, the Temple, and the People in the Protoevangelium of James | KAWAGOE, Natsumi |